Pet Shop Licence: M053318

Please note animal sales finish 30 minutes before closing.

 Small Mammals

Species Sex Availability Price
Winter White Hamster Male Available £14.99 each
Winter White Hamster Female Available £14.99 each
Syrian Hamster Male X £14.99 each
Syrian Hamster Female Available £14.99 each
Mongolian Gerbils Male X £30 a pair
Mongolian Gerbils Female Available £30 a pair
Dumbo Rats Male X £38.00 a pair
Dumbo Rats Female X £38.00 a pair
Fancy Rats Male Available £38 a pair
Fancy Rats Female X £38.00 a pair
Fancy Mice Male Available £8.50 a pair
Fancy Mice Female Available £22 a pair
Unvaccinated Rabbits Male X £49.99 each
Unvaccinated Rabbits Female X £49.99 each or £90 a pair
Vaccinated Rabbits Male X £59.99 a each
Vaccinated Rabbits Female X £59.99 a each
Degu Male X £50 a pair
Degu Female X £65 a pair
Rehome Guinea Pigs Male Available Soon £40 a pair
Guinea Pigs Female Available £79.99 a pair
African Pymgy Hedgehog Female X £165 each
Robo Hamster Female X £10.99 each
Robo Hamster Male X £10.99 each
African Pygmy Mice Male X £25 a pair
Rehome Rabbits Female X £50 a pair
Rehome Degu Pair Female X


Species Sex Availability Price
Standard Colour Budgies Male/Female Available £43.99 each or £80 a pair
Rainbow Budgies Male/Female Available £52.99 each or £100 a pair
Grey Cockatiels Unsexed Available £96 each
Coloured Cockatiels Unsexed X £100 each
Bourke's Parakeet Male/Female Available £150 a pair
Rehome Tame Conure Unsexed X £495 inc setup
Hand Reared Black-Headed Caiques Unsexed X £1200 each or £2200 a pair
Yellow Kakariki Male/Female X £100 each
Green Indian Ringneck Unsexed X £165 each
Blue Indian Ringneck Unsexed X £265 each
Diamond Doves Male/Female Available £30 each, 2 for £55
Zebra Finch Male Available £19 each
Zebra Finch Female Available £22 each
Zebra Finch Pair Male/Female Available £38 a pair
Bengalese Finch Unsexed Available £18.99 each, 2 for £29.99
Java sparrow Unsexed Available £29.99 each, 2 for £57.99
Hecks Grass Finch Unsexed Available £96 a pair
Yellow Headed Star Finch Unsexed Available £80 each, or £150 a pair
Red Headed Star Finch Unsexed Available £80 each, or £150 a pair
Cut Throat Finch Male/Female Available £120 a pair
Diamond Firetail Finch Unsexed X £125 a pair
Yellow Bishop Finch Unsexed X £89.99 a pair
Owl Finch Unsexed X £120 each
Green Canary Unsexed Available £41.99 each
Yellow Canary Unsexed X £44.99 each
Red Canary Unsexed X £72 each
Peach Face Lovebirds Unsexed X £190 a pair
Lineolated Parakeet Male/Female X £120 a pair
Rehome Hand-tamed Cockatiel Unsexed X £180 each

 Tortoises / Turtles

Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
CB21 Hermanns Tortoises T.hermanni Unsexed Available £165 each
CB21 Horsfield Tortoises T.horsfieldii Unsexed Available £150 each
CB17 Pancake Tortoises M.tornieri Male Available £250 each
CB23 Pancake Tortoise M. tornieri X X £350 each


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Normal Bearded Dragon P.vitticeps Unsexed Available £120 each
Rankins Dragon P. henrylawsoni Unsexed X £150 each


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Normal Leopard Gecko E.maculrius Unsexed X £65 each
Colour Morph Leopard Gecko E.maculrius Unsexed Available £85 each
Normal Crested Gecko C.cillatus Unsexed Available £80 each
Dalmation Crested Gecko C.cillatus Unsexed X £90 each
Central American Banded Gecko C. mitratus Unsexed X £85 each


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
CB24 Butter Motley Cornsnake P.guttatus Unsexed X £95 each
CB23 Cinder Cornsnake P.guttatus Unsexed X £90 each
CB23 Hognose Snake H.masicus Unsexed Available £109.99 each
CB23 Yellow Belly Royal Python P.regius Male Available £130 each
CB22 Lesser Pastel Royal Python P.regius Female X £120 each
CB23 Kenyan Sand Boa E. colubrinus Unsexed X £135 each
CB24 Amel Tessera Corn Snake P.guttatus Unsexed X £109.99 each

 Other Lizards

Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Ocellated Skink C. ocellatus Unsexed X £59.99 each


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Coffee Pac Man Frog C.cranwelli Unsexed X £55 each, £65 with set up
Strawberry Pac Man Frog C. Cranwelli Unsexed X £60 each
File Eared Tree Frog P. otilophus Unsexed X £66 each £120 a pair
White's Tree Frog R. caerulea Unsexed X £45 each
Japanese Tree Frog H. japonica Unsexed X £25 each
Golden Tree Frog P. auratus Unsexed X £22.99 each
Red-eyed Tree Frog A. callidryas Unsexed X £72.00 each
Green Tree Frog H. arborea Unsexed X £35 each £65 a pair
Chubby Frog K. pulchra Unsexed X £39.99 each
American Green Tree Frog H. cinerea Unsexed X £29.99 each, £55 a pair

 Tarantulas / Spiders

Species Scientific Name Size Sex Availability Price
CB Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula G. rosea Sling Unsexed X £61.99 inc enclosure
CB Brazilian White Knee Tarantula A. geniculata Sling Unsexed X £9.99 inc enclosure
CB Salmon Pink Tarantula L. parahybana Sling Unsexed X £9.99 inc enclosure
Regal Jumping Spider P. regius 0.2cm Unsexed X £34.99 inc enclosure
Widow Jumping Spider P. johnsoni 1cm Unsexed Available £34.99 each
CB Green Bottle Blue Tarantula C. cyaneopubescens Sling Unsexed Available £31.99 inc enclosure
Mexican Red Rump Tarantula T. vagans 1cm Unsexed X £42.99 inc enclosure
CB Pink Toe Tarantula A. juruensis Sling Unsexed X £19.99 inc enclosure
CB Striped Knee Tarantula A. seemani Sling Unsexed X £9.99 inc enclosure
CB Curly Hair Tarantula T. albopilosus Sling Unsexed X £14.99 inc enclosure
CB Brazilian Blonde Tarantula D. exillis Sling Unsexed X £14.99 inc enclosure
CB Brazilian Blue Tarantula L. sazmai Sling Unsexed X £14.99 inc enclosure
CB Golden Knee Tarantula G. pulchripes Sling Unsexed X £21.99 inc enclosure
CB Brazilian Red Tarantula N. carapoensis Sling Unsexed X £19.99 inc enclosure
CB Black/White Birdeater Tarantula N. colloratovilosum Sling Unsexed X £12.99 inc enclosure
CB Mexican Red Knee B. Hamorii 1cm Unsexed Available £15.99 Inc Enclosure
CB Pumpkin Patch Hapalopus sp. Colombia 0.5cm Unsexed X £9.99 Inc Enclosure
CB Venezulan Suntiger Psalmopoeus irminia 2cm Unsexed X £9.99 Inc Enclosure


Species Scientific Name Size Sex Availablity Price
Timor Shield Mantis R. kiirbyi Unsexed X £24.99 with set up
Yunnan Flower Mantis C. spp yunnan Unsexed X £24.99 with set up
Dead Leaf Mantis D. desiccata X Unsexed Available £19.99 with set up
Green Giant Asian H. membrancea X Unsexed X £19.99 with set up
Orchid Mantis H. coronatus X Unsexed X £24.99 with set up
Ghost Mantis P.paradoxa Unsexed Available £18.99 each
Giant Shield Mantis R. stalli Unsexed X £15.99 with set up
Budwing Mantis - B Grade P. affinis Unsexed X £21.99 with set up

 Other Inverts

Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Jungle Numphs H.diltata Unsexed X £15 each
CB Borneo Forest Scorpion H. longimanus Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
African Land Snails Fulica sp. Unsexed Available From £3.99 each
Chocolate Millipedes O.quineensis Unsexed X £6.99 each
Cameroon Snake Millipedes M. parilis acuticonus Unsexed X £6.99 each
Indian Stick Insects C. morosus Unsexed Available £6.99 each
Blue Death Feigning Beetles A. verrucosus Unsexed X £25 each or £40 a pair
Giant African Train Millipedes A. gigas Unsexed X £19.99 each
Macleay's Stick Insect E. tiaratum Unsexed X £9.99 each
Madagascar Hissing Cockroach G. portentosa Unsexed X £3.99 each
Purple Ivory Millipede C. Spinigerus Unsexed Available £10.99 each
Bumblebee Millipede A.Monilicornis Unsexed Available £7.99 each
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