Pet Shop Licence: CB/LANW/19/019490

 Small Mammals

Species Sex Availability Price
Syrian Hamsters Male Available £14.99 each
Syrian Hamsters Female Available £14.99 each
Winter White Hamsters Male Available £14.99 each
Winter White Hamsters Female Available £14.99 each
Panda Winter White Hamsters Male X £15.99 each
Panda Winter White Hamsters Female X £15.99 each
Dumbo/Fancy Rats Male Available £38.00 a pair
Dumbo/Fancy Rats Female X £38.00 a pair
Fancy Mice Female Available £22 a pair
Fancy Mice Male x £30 with cage
Rehome Fancy Mouse Male X £50 with cage
Rehome Rabbit Male X £49.99
Vaccinated Rabbits Male X £59.99 each
Vaccinated Rabbits Female X £59.99 each
Unvaccinated Rabbits Male Available £49.99 each
Unvaccinated Rabbits Female X £49.99 each
Guinea Pig Male X £50 rehome fee
Guinea Pig Female X £79.99 a pair
Degu - Various Colours Male X £50 pair
Degu - Various Colours Female X £50 pair
Roborovski Hamster Male X £8.50 each
African Pygmy Hedgheog Female X £175 each
African Pygmy Dormice Male and Female X £120 a pair
Mongolian Gerbils Male X X
Mongolian Gerbils Female Available £30 pair
Duprasi Female X X


Species Sex Availability Price
Standard Colour Budgies Male/Female Available £43.99 each
Rainbow Colour Budgies Male/Female Available £52.99 each
Diamond Doves Male/Female X £29.99 each. £55 pair
Zebra Finches Male X £19 each
Zebra Finches Female Available £22 each
Zebra Finch Pair Male/Female X £38 a pair
Bengalese Finch Unsexed X £17.99 each, 2 for £29.99
Mexican House Finch Unsexed X £29.99 each
Star Finch Male/Female x £70 each
Cut Throat Finches Male Available £70 each, sexed pair for £120
Napoleon Weaver Finch Male/Female X £120 pair
Hecks Grass Finch Pair Unsexed X £96 a pair
Diamond Fire Tails Unsexed X £125 Pair
Yellow Canary Unsexed X £44.99 each
Green Canary Unsexed X £42 each
Red Canary Unsexed X £72 each
White Canary Unsexed X £66 each
Red Mosaic Canary Unsexed X £72 each
Yellow Mosaic Canary Unsexed x £49.99 each
Variegated Canary Unsexed x £49.99 each
Bourkes Parakeets Unsexed X £190 Pair
Green Kakariki Male/Female Available £170 Pair
Lutino Kakariki Male/Female X £200 Pair
Grey Cockatiel Unsexed Available soon £96 each
Pied Cockatiel Unsexed X £110 each
Coloured Cockatiel Unsexed X £100 each
Peach Faced Lovebirds Male/Female Available £190 Pair
Chinese Quail Male/Female X £18.99 each

HR Birds

Species Sex Availability Price
HR Green Checked Conure Unsexed X £450
HR Turquoise Conure Unsexed Available soon £450
HR cinnamon conure unsexed Available soon £450
HR Pineapple Green-Cheek Conure Unsexed X £350 a pair
HR rehome cockatiels Unsexed Available soon
HR Sun Conure Unsexed X £945
HR Black Headed Caique Unsexed X £900

 Tortoises / Turtles

Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
CB23 Hermanns Tortoises T.hermanni Unsexed Available £165 each
CB23 Horsfield Tortoise T.horsfieldii unsexed Available £150 each
CB22 Pancake Tortoise Malacochersus tornieri Unsexed Available £350 each
CB23 Greek Spur-thighed Tortoise T. Graeca Unsexed Available £165 each


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Normal Bearded Dragons P.vitticeps Unsexed Available £120 each
Rankins Dragons P.henrylawsoni unsexed X £175 each
Dunner Bearded Dragons P.vitticeps Unsexed X £120 each
B-Grade Normal Bearded Dragon P.vitticeps Unsexed X
Australian Blue Tongued Skink Tiliqua Unsexed X £475
Zero Bearded Dragon p. vitticeps unsexed X £250 each


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Wild Type Leopard Gecko E.macularius Unsexed Available £65
Albino Tangerine Leopard Geckos E. macularius Unsexed X £85 each
Hypo Tangerine Leopard Gecko E.macularius Unsexed Available £85 each
Eclipse Leopard Gecko E.macularius Unsexed X £85 each
African Fat-Tailed Gecko H.caudicinctus Unsexed X £90 each
Normal Crested Geckos C.cillatus Unsexed Available £80 each
Tiger Crested Gecko C.cillatus Unsexed x £120 each
Harlequin Crested Gecko C.cillatus unsexed Available £120 each
Lily White Poss Tiger Crested Gecko C.cillatus unsexed X £120 each
Dalmation Crested Gecko C.cillatus unsexed Available £120 each
Reticulated Gargoyle Gecko R.auriculatus unsexed X £189.99
Mossy New Caledonian Gecko M.chahoua Male Available £189.99
Gargoyle Gecko P. auriculatus Female x £189.99
Skunk Gecko G. Vittatus Unsexed X £69.99
Super Harlequin C.cillatus Unsexed X £120 each
Viper Gecko cb24 T. fasciata unsexed Available £70 each or 2 for £120
Central American Banded Gecko C. mitratus unsexed Available £85
Rehome crested gecko C.cillatus Unsexed X £100


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
CB23 African House Snake B. Fuliginosus Unsexed X £175
CB23 Cape House snake B. capensis unsexed Available £180
CB23 Kenyan Sand boa E.colubrinus unsexed Available £200
CB24 Western Hognose H. Nasicus Unsexed Available £120 each
CB24 Plasma Stripe Cornsnake P.guttatus Unsexed X £110
CB24 Ghost Cornsnake P.guttatus Unsexed X £95
CB24 Lavender Cornsnake P.guttatus Unsexed X £95
CB23 Carolina Corn P.guttatus Unsexed Available £60 Each
Black Pastel Enchi P.regius Female Available Soon
Banana royal P. regius Male Available soon
Black Pastel royal P. regius Male Available soon
Enchi het clown royal python P. regius female Available soon
Enchi Pastel het clown P. regius Female X £120
Leopard Clown P. regius Male Available £200
Yellowbelly royal P. regius unsexed Available
Nelson's Milksnake L. T. Nelsoni Unsexed Available £220
Brazilian Rainbow Boa E. Cenchria Unsexed Available £250
Tricolor Hognose X. Pulcher Unsexed X £425

 Other Lizards

Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Jacksons Chameleon C. Jacksonii Male X £300
Yemen Chameleon C. Calyptratus Male Available £120
Sambava Panther Chameleon F. Pardalis Male X £400
Green Anole A. Carolinesis Male/Female Available £39.99 each
Eastern collared lizard C. Collaris Unsexed X £140
Sudan Plated Lizard B. Major Unsexed X £150


Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Whites Tree Frog L.caerulea Unsexed X £45 each
Red Eye Tree Frog A.callidryas Unsexed Available £69.99 each
Dyeing Poison Arrow frogs D. Tinctorius Unsexed X £95 Each
Green & Black Poison Dart Frogs D. auratus Unsexed Available £99 Each
European Green Tree Frog H. Arborea Unsexed X £35 each or 2 for £60
Gray Tree Frog D. versicolor unsexed X £25 each
Samurai Blue Pacman frog C. Cranwelli unsexed X £50
Pikachu Pacman Frog C. Cranwelli unsexed X £95
Fantasy Horned Frog C. cranwelli X C. Ornata Unsexed Available £60
Coffee Pacman Frog C. Cranwelli Unsexed Available £85
Strawberry Pacman Frog C. Cranwelli Unsexed X £40
American Tree frog H. cinerea Unsexed Available £45 each or 2 for £80
Red Spot Milk Frog T. Nigromaculatus Unsexed X £120 for the pair

 Tarantulas / Spiders

Species Scientific name Size Availability Price
Bold Jumping Spider P. audax 1cm X £39.99 inc enclosure
Regal Jumping Spider P.regius 1cm X £39.99 inc enclosure
Widow Jumping Spider P. Ardens 1cm Available £39.99 inc enclosure
Mexican Red Rump T. Vagans Juvenile Available £24.99 inc enclosure
Giant White Knee A. Geniculata Juvenile Available £24.99 inc enclosure
Cobalt Blue C. Lividum Juvenile X £75
Socotra Island Blue Baboon M. Balfouri Juvenile Available £50 inc enclosure
Cuban Gold P. auratus 1-2cm Available £18
Panama Blond p. pulcher sling Available £8
Green Bottle Blue C. Cyaneopubescens Juvenile Available £60 inc enclosure
Salmon Pink Bird Eater L. Parahybana Juvenile X £29.99 inc enclosure
Bolivian Dwarf Beauty C. Perezmilesi Juvenile Available £50
Curly Hair Tarantula T. Albopilosum Juvenile Available £24.99 inc enclosure
Mexican Red Knee B. Hamorii Juvenile X £70 inc enclosure
Peruvian Green Velvet T. Pruriens sling Available £15
Sazima's Tarantula P. Sazmai sling X £10
Golden Blue Leg Baboon H. Pulchripes sling Available £60
Brazilian Giant Blond N. Tripepii sling X £30
Brazilian Black G. Pulchra Juvenile Available £70
Costa Rican Zebra A. Seemani Adult Female X £60
Curly Hair Tarantula T. Albopilosum Adult Unsexed Available £55
Costa Rican Orange Mouth P. reduncus Juvenile Available £10
Asian Fawn C. huahini Spiderling Available £10
Trinidad Olive N. Incei Spiderling Available £25
Love Heart Butt C. elegans Spiderling Available £12

 Scorpions & Crustaceans

Species Scientific name Size Availability Price
Giant Vinegaroon M. Gigantea 4-5cm X £50
Vietnam Forest Scorpion H. Iaoticus X £39.99
Dune Scorpion S. mesaensis Sub-Adult Available £70 inc coffin enclosure
Giant Asian Forest Scorpian H. spinnifer babies Available £12 each

Price of mantis includes a 32oZ plastic cup enclosure with a mesh lid 

Species Scientific Name Size Sex Availability Price
Giant Asian Mantis H. Membracea 1-2cm unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Thistle Mantis B. Mendica 1-2cm unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Yunnan Flower Mantis C.sp Yunnan 1-2cm Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Spiny Flower Mantis p. wahlbergii 1cm Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Cat Eye Mantis H. Orientalis 1-2cm Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Orchid Mantis H. Coronatus 1-2cm Unsexed X £39.99 inc enclosure
Violin Mantis G. Gongylodes 3cm Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Macromantis M. Hyalina 1-2cm Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Jewelled Mantis C. Gemmatus 1-2cm Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Dead Leaf Mantis D. Desiccata 1-2cm Unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Giant Amazon leaf mantis M. Hyalina 1-2cm unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Peacock Mantis P. Pinnapavonis 1-2cm unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Ghost mantis P. Paradoxa 1-2cm unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
African Twig Mantis P. Spurca 1-2cm unsexed X £29.99 inc enclosure
Giant Blue Mantis H. sp. papua 1-2cm Unsexed X £32.99 inc enclosure
Common Green Mantis S. Gastrica 1-2cm unsexed Available £32.99 inc enclosure
Congo Green Mantis S. Aurea 1-2cm unsexed Available £32.99 inc enclosure
Budwing Mantis P. Affinis 1-2cm unsexed Available £32.99 inc enclosure
New Guinea Mantis T. Tamolana 1-2cm Unsexed X £32.99 inc enclosure

 Other Inverts

Species Scientific Name Sex Availability Price
Giant Budwing Stick Insect P.khaoyaiensis Females X £6.99 each
Macleays Stick Insects E. Tiatrum Unsexed X £6.99 each
Sunny Stick Insect S. Inexpectata Males & Females Available £6.99 each
Green bean stick insect D.Gigantea Males & Females Available £6.99 each
Black Beauty Stick insect p. schultei Unsexed X £6.99 each
Rehome Giant African Land Snails Fulica sp. Unsexed Available £100
Madagascan Hissing Roach G.portentosa Male/Female Available £3.99 each
Giant Train Millipedes A. Gigas unsexed Available £24.99 each
Ivory Millipede C. Spinigerus unsexed Available £9.99 Each
Jungle Nymph H. Dilatata unsexed Available £15 per pair
South African Millipede unsexed X £10 Each
Yellow Spine Millipede O. sp. yellow unsexed Available £14 each
Dairy Cow Isopods P.laevis Unsexed Available 99p each, 10 pack for £9
Orange Isopods P.laevis Unsexed Available 40p each, 10 pack for £3.50
Clown Isopods A. Klugii Unsexed Available £13.99 for 10
Panda king isopods Cubaris. sp. panda king Unsexed Available £10 for £25
£90 inc full setup
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